Thursday, December 16, 2021

Examples of Jesus being Depicted as the "Ancient of Days" in Iconography


(link to original)


Christ is the white-haired Ancient of Days on this late-sixth century CE icon from St Catherin’s Monastery, Sinai. The name Emmanuel (‘God with us’) hovers about him, while the frame bears a votive dedication: ‘For the salvation and pardon of the sins of your sins Philochristos’. (taken from figure 31, Francesca Stavrakopoulou, God: An Anatomy [London: Picador, 2021])



An aged, pot-bellied Christ sits enthroned as the Ancient of Days, flanked by Peter and Paul. Detail from a fifth- or sixth-century CE ivory panel, likely once part of a diptych, and later recycled as a Gospel book cover. (Ibid.)


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