Sunday, December 12, 2021

G. Hussein Rassool on Diagnosis of Evil Eye and Demon/Jinn Possession


Diagnosis of evil eye and Jinn possession


Evil eye and Jinn possession can be recognised in several ways: self-diagnosis, observation of symptoms, screening tool and through diagnostic Ruqyah (incantations for spiritual healing).


Observing symptoms


The symptoms of evil eye, Jinn possession and witchcraft vary for different people when touched by these supernatural phenomena. According to Al Habeeb (T.A. Al-Habeeb, “A Pilot study of faith healers’ views on evil eye, Jinn possession, and magic in the kingdom o Saudi Arabia, Journal of Family & Community Medicine, 10, 3 [2003]), “the triad of somatic symptoms such as apparent paralysis, dyspnoea, and tremors may indicate Jinn psychopathology, while anorexia and abortions may anchor the diagnosis of evil eye and magic” (p. 35). In addition, other symptoms that include “abnormal movements, seizure-like state, transient psychotic disturbance, and reversible altered consciousness was partly compatible with the diagnostic criteria of possession state as laid down in major classification” (p. 35). Those who deal with Ruqyah have mentioned some of the symptoms which may be used for the diagnosis of evil eye or Jinn possession. However, these symptoms, as presented in Table 16.3, are not definitive symptoms and may vary in some cases, and may be more or less in other cases.


Ruqyah diagnosis


The most effective method for the diagnosis of Jinn possession is Ruqyah (incantation). . . . Ruqyah can be divided into two categories: Ruqyah which is compliant with Islamic jurisprudence (Ruqyah Ash Shari’ah) and the deviant Ruqyah which contains polytheistic practices (Ruqyah Ash Shirkiyyah). The Ruqyah mentioned in this book is Ruqyah Ash Shari’ah. There are many websites providing Ruqyah online and attendance of a particular therapy centre.


Table 16.3 Symptoms of diagnosis of evil eye and Jinn possession

Symptoms of evil eye                         

Symptoms of Jinn possession

·       Headaches that move from one part of the head to another.

·       Turning away and reacting strongly when hearing the adhan (calling to prayer) or Qur’an.

·       Yellow pallor in the face.

·       Fainting, seizures and falling when Qur’an is read over him.

·       Sweating and urinating a great deal.

·       A lot of disturbing dreams.

·       Weak appetite; tingling, heat or cold in the limbs.

·       Being alone, keeping away from people and behaving strangely.

·       Palpitations in the heart.

·       The devil who is dwelling in him may speak when Qur’an is recited over him.

·       Pain the lower back and shoulders.


·       Sadness and anxiety.


·       Sleeplessness at night.


·       Strong reactions due to abnormal fears.


·       A lot of burping, yawning and sighing.


·       Withdrawal and love of solitude.


·       Apathy and laziness.


·       A tendency to sleep; health problems with no known medical cause.


Source: Islamqa (2009) 125543: Determining if One is Afflicted by Evil Eye or Possessed, (accessed 21 March 2018)


Individuals with Jinn possession or witchcraft may not tolerate the recitation of the Qur’an during Ruqyah. The effects differ from individual to individual and may include spontaneous changes in involuntary actions (for example, vomiting, involuntary muscular movements) or emotions (for example, screaming, crying, sinister laughing) or showing total resistance to the therapy.




There are different types of self-diagnosis of Jinn possession, including the listening of Qur’anic recitations (audio) and self-diagnosis questionnaire. Different Ruqyah or healing centres would use different methods, procedures or approaches and the type of questions used in self-diagnosis questionnaire. For the audio approach, there is the request to listen to some recitations for about five times continuously or in some cases seven times or any odd amount. The individual would then self-reflect on the following questions:


·       What is the general feeling or emotional reaction after listening to the audio recording?

·       Is the emotional reaction normal or unexplained?

·       Was there a feeling of something moving inside you?

·       Did you notice behavioural changes as restless, irritation, inability to listen to the recitation, wanted to move away or shut off the recitation immediately?


If you have certain reactions, then you should consult a Ruqyah centre immediately. (G. Hussein Rassool, Evil Eye, Jinn Possession, and Mental Health Issues: An Islamic Perspective [Explorations in Mental Health; Oxfordshire: Routledge, 2019], 191-93)