Friday, December 31, 2021

Mary’s Exemption from "Birth pangs" in the Mariology of Ephrem the Syrian (306-373)



Because there are those who dare to say that Mary [cohabited] with Joseph after she bore the Redeemer, [we reply], “How would it have been possible for her who was the home of the indwelling of the Spirit, whom the divine power overshadowed, that she be joined to a mortal being, and give birth filled with birthpangs, in the image of the primeval curse?” If May was blessed of women, she would have been exempt from the curse from the beginning, and from the bearing of children in birthpangs and curses. It would be impossible therefore to call one who gave birth with these birthpangs blessed. If the animals in the ark were restrained because of Noah, it was fitting that the prophetess in whom Emmanuel dwelt should not turn to marriage. Noah’s animals [were restrained] of necessity, but she however through her own [free] will. Just as she gave birth purely, so also she remained holy. (Saint Ephrem's Commentary on Tatian's Diatessaron: An English Translation of Chester Beatty Syriac MS 709 with Introduction and Notes II §6 [trans. Carmel McCarthy; Journal of Semitic Studies Supplement 2; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993, 2000], 63)