Monday, December 6, 2021

Robert Fleming (1705) Appealing to the Zohar and the Ancient of Days being "Adam Kadam"/"Most Ancient Adam"


. . . it is to be observed, that both the Second and Third part of the Sohar are a mystical Representation, as I take it, of God the Father and the Logos. The first is called the Ancient, and the Ancient of Days; and Adam Kadman, or the most Ancient Adam; as likewise the most Holy one, or, Holiest of All. But the usual Name by which this glorious Person is called in the Sohar, is that of Arich Anpin, which signifies one with a long Face; or, as the Sohar explains it, one whose Face is infinitely extended or every where. The Latin Translator renders Arich Anpin by a compounded Greek word, of the same signification, and calls him always Macroprosopus. The Second is the Logos, who is constantly in the Sohar, spoken of by the Name of Seir Anpin; that is, short fac'd, or confined, as it were, one way, in his looking toward Men; which therefore the Latin Translation renders by the Name Microprosopus. (Robert Fleming, Christology. A Discourse Concerning Christ: Considered I In Himself, II In His Government, and III In Relation to His Subjects and their Duty to Him [London: Andrew Bell, 1705], 238-39)