Saturday, February 19, 2022

Brigham Young (September 25, 1861): The "Blood of Abraham" As an Agent for Controlling Oneself in Righteousness

While doing research for a different project (work-related), I came across the following entry for September 25, 1861 in Journal, 1863 June 18-September 30, 1858 August 8-1862 May 19, pp. 297-98, Brigham Young (as recorded by George Sims) said the following:


In the evening Pres. Young discussed with his brother Joseph the characters of a few partly colored brethren. The Pres remarked there are men who have the dark skin of Cain or partly so, who may have the blood of abraham in them enough to control themselves in righteousness and fulfil the requirements of the gospel as well as many other whites, some of these partly dark brethren may be shiftless, but there are many whites who are also shiftless. The Pres also spoke favorably of Isaac, a colored man who had worked for him for many years he also remarked he would confer any blessing to him he could, believing him to deserve it.



My reaction in gif format (and probably your reaction, too unless you are Dennis Horne):