Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Dana M. Pike on Young Bulls being Pedestals for Yahweh vs. Representations of Yahweh

While he himself is a proponent of the very errant theory that the golden calf in Exodus 32 is a pedestal, Dana M. Pike does admit that


. . . it was a relatively small step from viewing these young bulls as pedestals for Yahweh to viewing them as representations of Yahweh or El or Baal. (Dana M. Pike, “Israel’s Divided Monarchy, Part 1 (930-841 BCE),” in A Bible Reader’s History of the Ancient World, ed. Kent P. Jackson [Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies, Brigham Young University, 2016], 217, emphasis in original)


On the evidence that the golden calf in Exodus was not a pedestal for Yahweh but instead, a representation of Yahweh, see, for e.g.:

The Golden Calf in Exodus 32

Norman C. Habel vs. the "Pedestal" Interpretation of the Golden Calf

Thomas A. Judge on the Golden Calf and the Calves at Bethel Being Representation of Yahweh, not a Pedestal


Susan Niditch on the Golden Calf being a representation of Yahweh

Angelika Berlejung and Ronald Hendel on the Golden Calf being a Representation of YHWH and not a Pedestal