Sunday, March 27, 2022

Debate Did Not Take Place: Paul "The Yellow" Gee Runs Away from Defending Protestantism/Sola Scriptura

As some know, a debate was scheduled to take place today at 9pm GMT/2pm MT between myself and Paul Gee on the thesis:

Is the Bible the Only Word of God?

Paul tried to change the thesis of the debate today with a few hours left before the debate started. I told him I would happily debate him on the thesis, "Does the Bible teach an ordained, ministerial priesthood in the New Covenant, and not the Priesthood of All Believers merely," and even sent him a PDF of my book, After the Order of the Son of God for him to read and prepare for how I would argue. I also told him that the thesis of today's debate would not be altered.

As expected, he chickened out and did not show up for the debate. Here is the feed from facebook while myself, Travis Anderson, and the moderator, Zach Doumit, were waiting for him to show up. This is, keep in mind, a few days after Paul told Errol Amey he wanted to debate me and believed I was intimidated by him (speak about projection!) Here is the message (as proof of Paul's deception and projection) (I ignored his messages after his initial brain-dead spamming of me):

The good news is that I might be debating Zach's father, not just on the Immaculate Conception, but also on the dogmas of the Mass, so that is at least some good news.