Thursday, March 24, 2022

Debating Protestant Paul Gee on the thesis "Is the Bible the Only Word of God?" this Sunday (March 27)

Yesterday, Paul Gee told my friend Errol that he (1) wanted to debate me and (2) thought that I was intimidated by him (talk about projection!). In response, I have challenged Paul to debate his claim that the Bible is the only Word of God (Sola Scriptura, in other words).

The debate will be held 9pm Irish time (2pm Utah) this Sunday (March 27). It will be held/recorded on Zoom (assuming Paul does not chicken out of it) and it will be posted online shortly afterward.

The format of the debate will be (as he is making the positive assertion, Paul will be going first in all these rounds):

Opening statements: 20 mins each

Rebuttals: 10 mins each

Cross-examination: 20 mins each

Closing statements: 7 mins each