Friday, March 11, 2022

On the Priestly Blessing in the Sacrament of Marriage in Eastern Orthodoxy


The Orthodox tradition upholds the priestly blessing as the constitutive element of the sacrament of marriage, and the bishop or priest as the minister of marriage. . . . the marital bond cannot be contracted solely through the consent of the spouses, because marriage is an eschatological reality and <<transcends both fleshly union and contractual legal association>> (J. Meyendorff, Byzantine Theology, 197). . . . . the consent of the spouses is not sufficient because God is <<the Celebrant>> and <<the true minister of the sacrament>> who bestows the gift of marriage upon the couple (cf. Mt 19, 11) (T. Sylianopoulos, <<Towards a Theology>>, 275-276). For John Chrysostom, the act of crowning by the bishop or priest was a symbol of the real crowning of the spouses by Christ himself (John Chrysostom, Homilia 9 in Epistolam Primam ad Timotheum, 546). (Kevin Schembri, Oikonomia, Divorce and Remarriage in the Eastern Orthodox Tradition [Kanonika 23; Valore, Italy: Pontificio Instituto Orientale, 2017], 56)