Friday, April 22, 2022

Examples of Names Beginning with "Anti" that do not mean "Against"

The Book of Mormon has a number of names that begin with “Anti.” As this is spelled the same way as the prefix “Anti” ("against," "opposite of"), some may think a name such as Anti-Nephi-Lehi is odd. However, “anti” appears in many languages and does not mean “against.” Consider some examples I came across this morning:


Antisian = "a supposed New World racial division made up of peoples living on the eastern slopes of the Andes in Bolivia and Peru" (Merriam-Webster; cf. Daniel G. Brinton, The American Race: A Linguistic Classification and Ethnographic Description of the Native Tribes of North and South America [New York: n. D.C. Hodges, 1891], 166-67)


Brinton listed "Antires" as one of the sub-tribes of the Zaparos in Ecuador (Brinton, The American Race, 282)



From a study of proper names and ethnographic traits, Dr. Hamy has expressed himself with great assurance that the Jivaros belong to the Guarani group of the Tupi stock; but the above numerals do not indicate such relationship, nor do I think that his other arguments establish it. For the present they must be considered an independent stock.




Antipas, above the Pongo de Manseriche.

Aguarunas, below the mouth of the Rio Nieva and Rio Huallaga.

Ayulis, on the Rio Morona.

Cherembos, left bank of Marañon.


Huambisas, on Marañon above the Pongo de Manseriche.


Muratos, below mouth of the Rio Pastaza .


Uambisas, south of the Marañon.

Zamoras. (Brinton, The American Race, 284)