Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Further Examples of Reformed Protestants Condemning Baptismal Regeneration as Wrong, Evil, and an Error

Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1882), “Baptismal Regeneration” (June 5, 1864):


But you will say “Why do you cry out against it?” I cry out against it because I believe that baptism does not save the soul, and that the preaching of it has a wrong and evil influence upon people.


Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster, Articles of Faith, 6a:


Baptism — The Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster, under Christ the Great King and Head of the Church, Realizing that bitter controversy raging around the mode and proper subjects of the ordinance of Christian baptism has divided the Body of Christ when that Body should have been united in Christian love and Holy Ghost power to stem the onslaughts and hell-inspired assaults of modernism, hereby affirms that each member of the Free Presbyterian Church shall have liberty to decide for himself which course to adopt on these controverted issues, each member giving due honor in love to the views held by differing brethren, but none espousing the error of baptismal regeneration