Monday, June 20, 2022

Eldin Rick's Nuanced Approach to Biblical Prophecies Relating to the Book of Mormon

Under the heading “Some Bible Prophecies That Related to the Book of Mormon,” Eldin Ricks wrote the following:


Isaiah 29:4. “And thou shalt be brought down, and shalt speak out of the ground.”—What at first looks like a prophecy about Jerusalem’s downfall is seen, in the light of Book of Mormon history, to include the remnant of Jerusalem’s children that settled in early America. (Eldin Ricks, Book of Mormon Commentary, Volume 1: Comprising the Complete Text of The First Book of Nephi with Explanatory Notes [Salt Lake City: Deseret News Press, 1951], 10, emphasis added)


Ezekiel 37:15-21. The stick of Judah and the stick of Joseph to be united.—The union of Judah’s scroll with Joseph’s appears to be suggested by Ezekiel’s prophecy. (Ibid., 11, emphasis added)