Saturday, June 11, 2022

Grant Von Harrison on One's Death Date not being "Fixed" and Contingent upon One's Free-Will Actions


Each of us is foreordained to spend a certain period of time in this life. However, just as it is with other aspects of our foreordination, the events of our mortal life can alter how long we live.


President Spencer W. Kimball made the following statement regarding the scriptural statement that for each of us there is a time to die: “Just as Ecclesiastes [3:2] says, I am confident that there is a time to die, but I believe also many people die before ‘their time’ because they are careless, abuse their bodies, take unnecessary chances, or expose themselves to hazards, accidents, and sickness” (Faith Precedes the Miracle, p. 103). The fact that we can die before our time confirms beyond any doubt that the events of our lives are influenced by the things such as agency and change. How long we live in mortality is not fixed or predestined. (Grant Von Harrison, Understanding Your Divine Nature [rev ed.; Sandy, Utah: Sounds of Zion, 2000], 189-90)