Sunday, June 26, 2022

Report of a Speech from Oliver Cowdery Concerning the Shared Date of the Restoration of the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthoods



At the conclusion of his speech, Oliver Cowdery arose and said . . . I testify to you that while I was alone with Joseph the Prophet, in the attitude of prayer, a light descended from heaven, the glory of which far exceeded the noonday sun, and in the midst of which a personage appeared who told us his name was John, formerly called John the Baptist. He ordained us to the Aaronic Priesthood, and according to his instructions, after baptizing each other, we ordained each other. But as we had not received the Holy Ghost, or authority to confer the same upon us, we concluded to go into the forest, and cleared a space in the center of which was a stump, and there we kneeled down and took turns in calling upon the Lord, until a glorious light encircled us; and as we arose on account of the light, addressing us, said: 'My name is Peter, and (pointing to the others) these are James and John. We have come here according to command from the Almighty, to confer upon you the Apostleship to which we have been ordained.' Whereupon they ordained us. (Arthur Winter collection, 1883-1940, Journal, volume 4, 1892 January-1899 December, p. 267)