Monday, June 6, 2022

The Fulfillment of Joseph Smith's Last Prophecy: Dan Jones' Missionary Efforts in Wales

Joseph Smith was recorded as prophesying the following on the night before his death:


Soon after Dr. Richards retired to the bed <to the place which Joseph had left,> and when all were apparently fast asleep, Joseph whispered <to Dan Jones>, “are you afraid to die?” Dan said, “has that time come think you? engaged in such a cause I do not think that death would have many terrors.” Joseph replied, “you will yet see Wales, and fulfil the mission appointed you before you die.” (Historian’s Office, Martyrdom Account, Draft)

This prophecy was fulfilled. Dan Jones would see his native Wales and play a major role in missionary efforts there, setting up the Welsh periodicals Prophwyd y Jubili ("Prophet of the Jubilee") from 1846-1848 and Udgorn Seion, Neu Seren y Saint ("Zion's Trumpet, or Star of the Saints") from 1849-1857. Jones also presided over the Wales mission from 1852 to 1855.

For more on Dan Jones, see Ron Dennis, Captain Dan Jones: Defender of the Faith in Wales (presentation from the 2015 FAIR Conference)

Further Reading:

Resources on Joseph Smith's Prophecies

Kerry Shirts, back when he was LDS, had a good article on Dan Jones: Joseph Smith's Last Prophecy Literally Fulfilled: Fun Church History