Wednesday, June 29, 2022

The Importance of Studying, not Relying upon the Spirit, Merely, in Missionary Training Manual For Use in Jewish Proselyting Program


To all who will labor among Judah, this Missionary Training Manual is an essential part of the proselyting program for the Jewish people. It is not intended to be memorized, but is designed to help you understand to be memorized, but is designed to help you understand your Jewish neighbors and those things that shape their lives today. The information in this manual, together with prayer and the guidance of the Spirit of the Lord, will help you teach effectively without offense.


You should thoroughly familiarize yourself with this manual before you attempt to present your message to Jewish people. (Missionary Training Manual For Use in Jewish Proselyting Program [Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1978, 1979], iii)