Saturday, July 30, 2022

An Early (April 1862) Example of a (Possibly Apocryphal) Prophecy Being Attributed to Joseph Smith

Brigham Young Office Journal, April 23 1862, CR 1234 1, Church History Library (scribe: George D. Sims):



Br Thomas B. Marsh called upon the President in relation to the subject of Baptism for the dead. The Pres. remarked [that] the time will come when we shall build Temples and do a work for the dead, among other things, and the devil will not have power to afflict us. Br. Marsh said in a meeting of the High priest Quorum it was remarked by some of them that Jesus Christ was the first born, Joseph Smith the second, and Brigham Young the third. Br. Marsh said that Joseph Smith once prophecied that before he died (Br Marsh died) he [Smith] should go on a mission to Italy, and astonish the King of Italy with his knowledge of Astronomy and the King should allow him to teach that science to his people. The President did not remember any thing of that prophecy.


Transcription taken from


George D. Smith, Brigham Young, Colonizer of the American West: Diaries and Office Journals, 1832-1871, 2 vols. (Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 2021), 2:386-87