Thursday, July 7, 2022

B. Harvey Allred (Mormon Fundamentalist) Arguing like a Protestant Against the LDS Church

The following comes from A Leaf in Review by B. Harvey Allred (1870-1937) where he argues like a Protestant with respect to the exact fulfillment of prophecy and scriptural inerrancy:

The Scriptures cited teaches us very plainly that the fruits by which Jesus told us we might judge a pretending prophet, if enumerated would stand in about the following order:


1st. The prophecy must be uttered in the name and by the authority given of God.

2nd. The prophet must himself obey God's ordinances and teach others to walk in subjection to God's laws.

3rd. His precepts must be in perfect accord with all that God has previously revealed on the subject taught.

4th. The prophecies uttered must come true in every particular. In these fruits the Lord has provided a sure means whereby we may justly judge a pretending prophet; and by the just and careful application of this rule God will try His people and justify or condemn their response to professed prophetic powers. (B. Harvey Allred, A Leaf in Review, 2d ed. [Draper, Utah: Review and Preview Publishers, 1968], 51, emphasis in bold added)


So diametrically opposite are the opinions expressed by both leaders and laymen of the Mormon Church today, that few casual observers can judge from expressions of those opinions who is honestly mistaken, or who is deliberately deceiving. Both cannot be right.


The only infallible measure is the word of God on the matter. (Ibid., 141, emphasis in bold added)