Monday, July 18, 2022

Bruk Ayele Asale on Jude 4


v. 4 “[They] deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ,” reflects its parallel in 1 Enoch (48:10), “They denied the Lord of spirits and his Messiah.” The parallel is both in wording and sense if we consider that Jude is charging the false teachers of denying both God the Father and Christ. (Bruk Ayele Asale, 1 Enoch as Christian Scripture: A Study in the Reception and Appropriation of 1 Enoch in Jude and the Ethiopian Orthodox TewahÉ™do Canon [Eugene, Oreg.: Pickwick Publications, 2020], 39)


1 Enoch 48:10 as translated by Nickelsburg and Vanderkam


And on the day of their distress there will be rest upon the earth,
and before them they will fall and not rise,
and there will be no one to take them with his hand and raise them.
For they have denied the Lord of Spirits and his Anointed One.
blessed be the name of the Lord of Spirits. (George W. E. Nickelsburg and James C. VanderKam, 1 Enoch 2 [Hermeneia—A Critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible; Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2012], 166)