Thursday, July 21, 2022

"Keys to Determine True Church"


A few days ago I had a great interview with Alma Allred on the topic of Mormon Fundamentalism:

Episode 17: Alma Allred on Mormon Fundamentalism

In this interview, Alma referenced quotes from Church leaders that a key to determining which Church is true (within the broad "Mormon" restorationist movement) is where the majority of members are. Here are the quotes he sent me on this topic:

Keys to Determine True Church


At the time of the martyrdom of the Prophet Joseph, the Saints were being gathered and were building a Temple, baptizing for the dead, etc., which work unceasingly has been kept up by those who under the leadership of the Twelve came to the Rocky Mountains notwithstanding the various factions which have separated themselves from the true Gospel tree.  The writer (Elder Stevenson) heard the prophet say on a stand at the east end of the Nauvoo Temple, that the time was coming when there would be many dissensions from the Church.  "But," said he, "I now see the time which I have long desired to see.  Let me go where I may, the Gospel tree is planted never more to be rooted up, for there are those present who are prepared to carry on the Gospel, whatever may become of me."  He also said: "I will give you a key by which you may never be deceived, if you will observe these facts:  Where the true Church is, there will always be a majority of the Saints, and the records and history of the Church also."  [Infancy of the Church, by Andrew Jenson and Edward Stevenson, 1889, p. 5)


Once in Nauvoo I heard the Prophet declare to the people how they might always know where to find the true Church.  He gave it as a guide for them ever afterwards, and said the day would come when they would need it.  He said:  "Factions and parties will arise out of this Church, and apostates will lead away many.  But in the midst of all this, keep with the majority, for the true leaders of God's people will always be able to have a majority, and the records of the Church will be with them.  Keep with the majority, for where the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together."  [Lyman O. Littlefield, Millennial Star, 45:389]


Now I look around this congregation, and contemplate that there are, perhaps, some ten or twelve thousand persons, and it may be more, I do not know, there is a very large number; then when I think that numerous as we are here we are but the representatives--not more than a tithing of those left behind, of the same stripe, if reminds me of the words of Joseph the Prophet, when he said, "Brethren, remember that the majority of this people will never go astray; and as long as you keep with the majority you are sure to enter the celestial kingdom." [Orson Hyde, Journal of Discourses 13:367, May 5, 1870]


Revelation given to Orson Hyde on the voice of the people.


In my meditations, this morning, the Spirit of the Lord came upon me, and I was moved to write: and being grieved in my spirit on account of false pretenses by evil designing persons to gain power, and lead away the flock of God; It whispered me and said;


Evil men, ambitious of power, must needs arise among you, and they shall be led by their own self-will and not by me.  Yet they are instruments in my hands, and are permitted to try my people, and to collect from among them those who are not the elect, and such as are unworthy of eternal life.  Grieve not after them, neither mourn nor be alarmed.  My people know my voice and also the voice of my spirit, and a stranger they will not follow; therefore such as follow strangers are not my people.  Behold James J. Strang hath cursed my people by his own spirit and not by mine.  Never at any time have I appointed that wicked man to lead my people, neither by my own voice, nor by the voice of my servant Joseph Smith, neither by the voice of mine angel; but he hath sought to deceive and Satan helpeth him; but before of old was he one that was ordained to gather the tares of the field, and mine angels have chosen him to do it because he was a wicked man, even as Judas was chosen to betray his Lord.  But his spirit and ambition shall soon fail him and then shall he be called to judgment and receive that portion which is his mete, and his treacherous followers, who have forsaken the counsel of their brethren and turned from the covenants of their God, and have cast asunder the tenderest ties, must drink from a bitter cup.


Let no man who putteth his trust in me be troubled about his rights.  The worthy shall have their rights and no power can prevent it, for I will give them the hearts of my people, and their voice is my voice, even as my voice is the voice of my father; and what they bind on earth I will bind in heaven.  But the unworthy have no rights except these, repentance or condemnation.  If they act upon the former, behold they are justified, but if not, they must suffer the consequences of the latter.


By this you may know the unworthy among my people: for whomsoever they reject, the same are rejected of me.  And woe to such as shall follow him who hath been rejected by my people.  If my people sin I will correct and chasten them because I love them, yet I will not reject them, neither give my kingdom to other people, for behold the end draweth nigh, and judgment will I pour out upon your oppressors and upon those who accuse you to hide their own iniquity and their shame, and to get power for unholy purposes and not for the building up of my kingdom.  Let such beware lest they fall by the hand of the destroyer, whose arrows are plague and pestilence, before their designs are accomplished.


Let my saints gather up with all consistent speed and remove westward, except such as are counselled to tarry and must needs remain to settle their business according to the counsel of my servant Joseph Smith, in the day that he was with you in the flesh, and also according to the counsel of my servants, the Twelve whom I have chosen, and who have abode in me.


Let there be no more disputes or contentions among you about doctrine or principle, neither who shall be greatest, but hearken to those things which I have spoken unto you, and which have before been given and you shall rest in my kingdom, and have glory and honour for ever and ever - Yea! Saith the Spirit, and the Spirit is truth, and the truth abideth for ever: Amen (Millennial Star, Vol. 7 No. 10, May 15th 1846, pp. 157-158.)





The occasion which called forth his testimony upon this matter was as follows:--One Francis G. Bishop, an Elder in our church, was very anxious to be ordained a High Priest, but he was not considered a proper candidate to fill the office at that time; and his urgent solicitations to be promoted to the High Priesthood, confirmed the Saints in the opinion that he wanted a high station without meriting it, or without being called by the Spirit of God in that work.  He was sent forth into the world to preach in the capacity and calling of an Elder; but he was not long out before he declared himself to be a High Priest--and that he was ordained by an angel from heaven.  This made much stir in the branches of the church and also in the world.  But when the news of his proceedings reached the prophet Joseph, he called Bishop home forthwith.  He was introduced into the school of the prophets, and there closely questioned upon his course.  He said he was ordained by an angel to the High priesthood; yet, on a more close examination, he crossed his own testimony and statements--became confused, and blushed with shame and guilt--he fell down upon his knees and confessed that he had lied in the name of the Lord--begged to be forgiven and cried aloud for mercy.  We all forgave him, but we could not give him our confidence, for he had destroyed it.  Elder Sidney RIgdon was present at that meeting, and though he has since fallen still he knows that my statements ar correct.  Zebedee Coultrin was also present, and many others that I might name.  


Brother Joseph observed to Bishop that he knew he had lied before he confessed it; that his declarations were not only false in themselves, but they involved a false principle.  An angel, said Joseph, may administer the word of the Lord unto men, and being intelligence to them from heaven upon various subjects; but no true angel from God will ever come to ordain any man, because they have once been sent to establish the priesthood by ordaining me thereunto; and the priesthood being once established on earth, with power to ordain others, no heavenly messenger will ever come to interfere with that power by ordaining any more.  He referred to the angel that came to Cornelius and told Cornelius to send for Peter; but if there had been no Peter with keys and power to administer, the angel might have done it himself; but as there was, the angel would not interfere.  Saul was directed to go to Ananias for instruction and to be administered to by him; but if there had been no Ananias with power and authority on the earth to administer in the name of Christ, the Lord might have done it himself.  You may therefore know, from this time forward, that if a man comes to you professing to be ordained by an angel, he is either a liar or has been imposed upon in consequence of transgression by an angel of the devil, for this priesthood shall never be taken away from this church.


This testimony was delivered in an upper room, in the south-west corner of the White Store and dwelling-house, formerly occupied by Whitney and Gilbert, situate on Kirtland Flats.  If men would regard the testimony of the servants of God who have laid down their lives for the cause, they would have little to fear of being misled; but when the spirit of apostacy takes possession of a man's heart, he becomes completely blind to every true principle, and is filled with strife, debate, deceit, false accusation, and treachery.  He cherishes no desire to convert and save the world, but is content to confine his operations to the church, which he slanders, defames, and, like a ravening wolf, tries to tear in pieces and destroy; and having no merit of his own to bring him into notice, he seeks to obtain notoriety by contention and debate, which the Lord declares are not of him, but of the devil.  Their hearts being a fountain of evil, they can speak nothing but evil; they, being disciples of the "accuser of our brethren," can do nothing but accuse the brethren like their master whom they serve; they, having a beam in their own eye, can see nothing but the mote in their brother's eye; and well did the Saviour ask such characters, "How can ye, being evil, speak good things?"  They are like the filthy and indelicate bird that has no relish for sweet and wholesome meat, but likes to feast on tainted flesh and putrid carcasses.  Mr. Strang. like Bishop, claims that an angel ordained him. (Millennial Star Nov. 20, 1846, beginning on page 136.) Although it is unsigned, Orson Hyde was the editor and unsigned editorials were (and still are) invariably the work of the editor.