Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Reynolds and Sjodahl being open to Jesus being born 4 BC


Six hundred years. If, as is quite commonly supposed, our Lord was born four years before the beginning of our era, the exodus of Lehi from Jerusalem would have taken place in what in our chronology would be the year 604 B.C., or the year after the battle at Carchemish, where the Egyptians were defeated by the Chaldeans. That would, from an historical point of view, have been the logical time for the laying of the foundations of a new dispensation, in another part of the world, because from now on Palestine was to be the battle ground of the great world powers for supremacy. (George Reynolds and Janne M. Sjodahl, Commentary on the Book of Mormon, 7 vols. [Salt Lake City: Deseret Press, 1976], 1:70, emphasis in bold added)