Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Reynolds and Sjodahl: Isaiah 2:2-5//2 Nephi 12:2-5 is a Prophecy that will be Fulfilled During the Millennium




In the Last Days. Refers clearly to the Millennium. See D. and C. 29:11, 22, 23; 43:30, 31.


Mountain of the Lord's House. The word "mountain" is used in the Scriptures in different allegorical, or figurative, meanings, besides the literal sense. Here it stands for the Church of God, which, as the fifth kingdom, is destined to grow from the size of a stone to that of a mountain and fill the world. (Dan. 2:35, 45) The meaning is, therefore, that when the Church of God shall be established in the top of the mountains and be exalted above the hills, then all nations shall flow unto it.




Many People. When the Church shall be thus established and exalted, then "many people"—not everybody, for even during the Millennium there will be different creeds and modes of worship (Micah 4:5)—but many people shall come and join the Church, enter the house of the Lord, to learn his will, accept his instructions and walk in his paths.




Then the Earth will have Peace. The result will be as stated in this verse. National affairs will be regulated by divine law, and international differences will be adjusted by divinely inspired arbitration. Peace will reign, and temple work will go on undisturbed.

"He shall judge among the Nations." That is the explanation of the expression in the previous verse: "The word of the Lord from Jerusalem."




The Light of the Lord. The light of revelation. They had gone astray from that light. (George Reynolds and Janne M. Sjodahl, Commentary on the Book of Mormon, 7 vols. [Salt Lake City: Deseret Press, 1976], 1:323-24, emphasis in bold added)