Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Affirmation of Baptismal Regeneration in Franklin L. West, The Apostles and the Primitive (1964)


BAPTISM. Jesus, talking to Nicodemus, likened this transformation which must occur in the individual to a new birth, a new start, a complete cleansing and washing from sin, a birth into a life of purity, love, and service. This is beautifully and forcefully symbolized by baptism—going down into the water and coming up out of it clean and pure, free from sin. Jesus told Nicodemus that one could not so much as see the kingdom except he submit to this ordinance. He set the example by having John baptize him. He told the disciples to baptize their coverts, which the record shows they did. You will remember that Peter baptized Cornelius, Ananias baptized Paul, Philip baptized the Ethiopian eunuch. Paul baptized the jailer and his family. This ordinance not only produced a forgiveness of sins, but it also served as the door for entrance into the Church. (Franklin L. West, The Apostles and the Primitive [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company, 1964], 138, emphasis in bold added)


Elsewhere, West noted that


It Is interesting to note that although Jesus had given Paul a great manifestation, he recognized his priesthood on the earth and the ordinances of the Church, and, therefore, provided for Paul’s baptism and reception of the Holy Ghost. (Ibid., 56)