Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Excerpts from "Brigham Young, 1866 August 19"

The following are excerpts from:


"Brigham Young, 1866 August 19," transcribed by LaJean Purcell Carruth, Church History Department Pitman Shorthand transcriptions, 2013-2022


now we as Christians desire to be saved] in the kingdom of God we desire to attain all the blessings there is for the most faithful that ever lived on the earth even him that is said to be the father of the faithful Abraham obtained I want to say to the elders of Israel to members of this church and kingdom it is in the hearts of many to wish that this doctrine was not taught it may be cruel and hard for many and especially for the ladies but no harder for them than for the gentleman it is the word of the Lord and I want to say to you and all the world if you desire wish with all your hearts to obtain the blessings that Abraham obtained you will be a polygamist in practice if you have the privilege or you will come short of it as God lives you that wish] there is no such thing in existence I am not a polygamist here is Brother John D Caine not a polygamist [fdr/thdr/Theodore?] is not his[--?] wife doesn’t belong to the church she is a lady a fine woman I esteem her as a sister if any of you have it in your heart to say I pass along I don’t know what community be bothered[?] yet and offices be placed on our head I will not be a polygamist lest I should fail to obtain some earthly honor character and office etc. with the children of men that man that has that in his heart and proceed in doing so he will come short of celestial glory


the only man and woman that becomes God and sons of God is those enter into polygamy and they may enter into the presence of Father and Son and they will have their servants around them but they will never reign and be kings as those that have the privilege of the blessings and refuse to accept them

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they must be wrong about this item the Lord says in the last days  7 women shall take hold of skirts of one man and ask to have this name and it is all the requirement they make upon him for him to counsel and advise them they spin their own wool and cloth and do every thing to live if we can only have a name with him what is this for it is for the resurrection not for this world I would not go across the bowery for polygamy pertaining to this world and I never saw the day IG et off my feet for it it is for the resurrection and the Spirit of the Lord come upon the people and the ladies especially those have been deceived so long and trodden under foot of men on the earth there is a spirit comes on them I want to place a name there that I may have a home in the celestial kingdom of our Father and God] many and many go from this territory and said there is more peace joy and union and fellowship in the midst of families in Utah than in our own neighbourhoods and city they say it and it is a fact and there is not and the trouble in this city with men that have more than one wife than those that have but one I have more trouble with those that have but one companion than those that have more than one to counsel them and advise them and coax them and persuade them to live their religion and do as they ought to do it is hard I have proved to my Father and my God that I am willing to forsake wives and children and labor my life time to build up the kingdom of God and never enjoy a companion while I live and that I have done in my young days . . .

I recollect in 31 one of the elders preaching he began to speak of reformers and finally Father Wesley came up says he Father Wesley went to hell the man didn’t understand matters this was referred to Joseph Father Wesley could not possess that he would have possessed had the priesthood been on the earth and all the glory and keys and power of that priesthood been in possession of John Wesley and lived up to it then he can be crowned as God even the Son of God will he be saved yes in a kingdom in a good kingdom full of glory light joy more than ever entered into the heart of the man to conceive Father Wesley never conceived of the glory he enjoyed probably to day and so it is with all hell most of the people they ain’t going to be made angels to the devil if they have committed error and weakness and repented of it here is the blood of the Savior to wipe it out and cleanse them against all sin except they have sinned against the Holy Ghost which is unto death] as an apostle says I don’t command you to pray for all sinner etc. they don’t want to be prayed for but they just desire to destroy the kingdom of God