Sunday, August 14, 2022

Matthew 2:17 (JST 3:17) and Joseph Smith Knowing that OT Jeremiah and NT Jeremy was the Same Person


Matt 2:17 (=JST Matt 3:17):



1867 Inspired Version (RLDS)

Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet, saying,

Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet, saying,


New Testament Manuscript 1, p. 4:



then was fulfilled that which was \ spoken by Jer=em[iah]<y> the Prophet saying


New Testament Manuscript 2, p. 3:




<(17)> Then was fulfilled that <(18)> which was spoken by Jeremiah the Prophet, Saying,


Why is this significant? According to "Time Sequence of the New Translation" in Joseph Smith's Translation of the Bible: Electronic Library (2010) Matt 1:1-9:1 (MS 1) was produced between March 8 and April 7, 1831, and Matthew 1:1-9:1 (MS 2) was produced between April 4 and 7, 1831, all pre-dating the reception of D&C 84. Why is this significant? It shows that Joseph Smith knew that Old Testament Jeremiah and New Testament Jeremy was the same person (cf. “Jeremy” [used for another person with the name ‘Jeremiah’] in D&C 84:9-10).