Friday, August 26, 2022

Peter Sammons (Reformed) on Emotion being an Important (though not ultimate) Contributor for the Establishment of Doctrine


. . . God’s Word—not history, emotions, logic, or philosophy—is the ultimate authority on this subject. God’s Word is not contrary to the history of God’s church. It is not detached from human emotion, not independent of the rules of logic and philosophy. However, these are not the chief contributors to the following conclusions. Scripture alone is the final authority for any doctrine’s establishment. (Peter Sammons, Reprobation and God’s Sovereignty: Recovering a Biblical Doctrine [Grand Rapids, Mich.: Kregel Academic, 2022], 17, emphasis in bold added)


Further Reading:

Personal Divine Revelation and the Knowledge the Bible is the Word of God and/or one is "Saved" in the Protestant Traditions