Friday, September 30, 2022

Eduard Nielsen on Jeremiah 36


The king had destroyed Jeremiah’s roll of prophecy and would have got rid of its authors. YHWH interfered and saved the authors. And now follows the last part: YHWH orders Jeremiah to reproduce the roll in the exact manner of the former one. Just as the intention of the king undoubtedly was to neutralize the prophecies of disaster, to avert them by destroying the roll and seeking to dispatch its authors, the intention behind the reproduction of it is quite evidently to ensure that Jeremiah’s prophecies remain in force. Just as the king by getting rid of the prophecy and the prophet wished to show the whole world that no mighty YHWH stood behind Jeremiah, so the consequent development shows that Jeremiah is indeed YHWH’s true prophet who only speaks that which YHWH intends to do. And in the situation caused by the king’s action, in this new situation, YHWH gives a further oracle to his prophet, So we hear an entirely new oracle against Jehoiakim, and so we are told in the last part of v. 32 ‘and there were added besides unto them many like words.’ Every thought of repentance and forgiveness disappears; all that remains is the absolute proclamation of doom for the king, for the city, and for the people he represents. (Eduard Nielsen, Oral Tradition [Studies in Biblical Theology 11; London: SCM Press, 1954], 70-71)


Further Reading:

Biblical Prophets Changing their Words and the Words of Previous Prophets