Monday, September 26, 2022

Happy 8,000th post! (and live tweeting General Conference this weekend!)

 I set up this blog in August 2014. This post is the 8,000th post! I would like to thank everyone who has followed this blog over the years, and here is to another 8,000 posts

I shared before that when I started this blog in August 2014, I thought my enthusiasm for blogging would fizzle out after a few weeks. Flash forward about 8 years and I am still blogging, and hopefully such will continue.

Earlier this year, I started podcasting (the Scriptural Mormonism Podcast) and doing streams on my youtube channel.

For those who wish to support my writing/research, feel free to donate via Paypal and/or Patreon.

Finally, as you know (or should know!) next weekend (1-2 October) is General Conference weekend, which means I will be "live-tweeting" most of the sessions with serious and not so serious comments. My twitter feed can be found here.