Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Parallels between Joseph (Genesis 41) and Daniel (Daniel 2)

The following table is based on Samuel Emadi, From Prisoner to Prince: The Joseph Story in Biblical Theology (New Studies in Biblical Theology 59; London: Apollos, 2022), 110-11:



Genesis 41

Daniel 2


Pharaoh’s dream occurs two years after Joseph’s incarceration (41:1)

Nebuchadnezzar’s dream occurs two years into his reign (Dan 2:1)


‘Pharaoh had a dream’ (41:1)

‘Nebuchadnezzar dreamed dreams’ (2:1)


Pharaoh’s spirit was troubled (41:8)

Nebuchadnezzar’s spirit was troubled (2:10


Pharaoh calls for his magicians (41:8) and Egypt’s wise men to interpret his dream

Nebuchadnezzar calls for his magicians (2:2), satraps, and enchanters, who are later called ‘wise ones of Babel’ to interpret (2:12) his dream


‘Pharaoh recounted to them his dreams’ (41:8)

‘The king gave orders . . . to tell the king his dreams’ (2:2)


Professionals are unable to interpret Pharaoh’s dream (41:8)

Professionals are unable either to declare or interpret Nebuchadnezzar’s dream


[New character introduction]
Captain of the guard is aware of a captive Jew with dream-interpreting abilities (41:10-12)

[New character introduction]
Captain of the guard is aware of a captive Jew with dream-interpreting abilities (2:14)


Joseph introduced to Pharaoh by his ethnicity – a ‘Hebrew youth’ (41:12)

Daniel introduced to Nebuchadnezzar by his ethnicity – ‘a man among the exiles of Judah’ (2:25)


‘Pharaoh sent and called for Joseph’ (41:14)

‘Daniel went in and requested of the king’ (2:16)


‘They hurriedly brought [Joseph]’

‘Arioch, in haste brought Daniel’ (2:25)


Joseph is asked if he can interpret the dream (41:15)

Daniel is asked if he can declare and interpret the dream (2:26)


Joseph downplays his abilities and attributes dream interpretations to God (41:16)

Daniel downplays his abilities and attributes dream interpretations to God (2:28-30)


‘The dream is recounted by Pharaoh to Joseph (41:17-24)

The dream is recounted by Daniel to Nebuchadnezzar (2;31-35)


Joseph tells Pharaoh that his dream is about what God will do in the future (41:25)

The interpretation is recounted by Daniel to Nebuchadnezzar (2:37-44)


The interpretation is recounted by Joseph to Pharaoh (41;26-31)

Daniel tells Nebuchadnezzar that his dream is about what God will do in the future (2:45)


The dream is ‘determined by God, and God will quickly bring it about’ (41:32)

‘The dream is true, and its interpretation is trustworthy’ (2:45)


Joseph is worshipped as a result of his dream reporting (Gen 41:40, 43), receiving homage (‘Kneel!’) from the people (41:40)

Daniel is worshipped as a result of his dream reporting (Dan. 2:46), receiving homage from Nebuchadnezzar (2:46)


Joseph is given gifts (41;42)

Daniel is given gifts (2:48; cf. 5;16, 29)


Joseph is promoted to being a ruler in a foreign land ‘over all the land of Egypt’ (41:41)

Daniel is promoted to being a ruler in a foreign land (2:48; cf. 5:16, 29)