Friday, October 28, 2022

Johann Pistorius: "Christus Est Lex" ("Christ is the Law")

 16th-century German Protestant theologian Johann Pistorius, in 1553, wrote that:



Lex est sapientia Dei; Christus est sapientia Dei; ergo Christus est lex (English: The Law is the Wisdom of God; Christ is the Wisdom of God; therefore, Christ is the Law)


Source: "Johannes Pistorius til Paul Noviomagus, Wittenberg, 27 June 1553," in A. Andersen, comp., Quattuor Centuriae Epistolarum: Provst Johannes Pistorius' Brevsamling 1541-1605 (1614) (Historisk Samfund for Sønderjylland, 1971), 50

I have added this to

3 Nephi 15:9 and Jesus saying "I am the Law"