Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Lucy Walker Smith Kimball Recalling an Example of Children Prophesying in 1835

Lucy Walker Smith Kimball (1826-1910), in her biographical sketch, recalled the following example of young Latter-day Saint children prophesying in 1835:


During the year 1835, the children of this branch [in Ogdensburg, New York] who were eight years old and upward were baptised by Elder Abraham Palmer. Haveing been taught by their parents to pray, were full of faith and received the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands, and the signs followed them, according to promise. At the next prayer-meeting, some spoke in tongues, others prophecied; again others had the gift of faith, to heal the sick, etc. One of this little band sprang to his feet his feet, [sic] his countenance shone like that of an angel, and prophecied that before we reached our destination, we would be surrounded by armed mobs with blackened faces, and would need great faith in God to endure the many persecutions and trials before us. And that some of our number would lay down their lives; other would see their brethren shot down before their very eyes, this was verified as the wholesale slaughter at “Hauns Mills.” (Lucy Walker Kimball, “A Brief Biographical sketch,” MS 741, Church History Library, in In Sacred Loneliness: The Documents, ed. Todd M. Compton [Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 2022], 515)