Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Zina Diantha Huntington (1821-1901) Speaking in Tongues after Her Baptism

The following excerpt from Zina Diantha Huntington (Jacobs Smith Young) (1821-1901), Autobiographical Sketch 3, in Zina Card Brown Family Collection, Zina D. Young Papers, box 2, fd. 17, MS 4780, Church History Library:


The Gifts of the Gospel


the gifts of the gospel were manifest the first time I ever sang in tongs after being baptised into the church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints around me was as light as the blaze of a candle [p8] <I was surrounded [by] a heavenly influence> and no unpleasent sensation from that day the gift has remained with me


could I but tel the many gifts & blessings healing in particular the deaf hear the blind to receive there sight onely last week a lovely woman came to see me that had been blijnd for 5 years / she heard the Dr tel her Mother she can never see a gain, the desire came into her heart I will have Pres Young lay his hands uppon me & I shal see he did so & in a short time her sight was perfect this [illegible] some 12 years ago I could relate many <similar> instances to all are not given such great faith the spirit of [God] is with the faithful of his people (in In Sacred Loneliness: The Documents, ed. Todd M. Compton [Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 2022], 27-28; Compton writes that the illegible word “looks like ‘put’ in ibid., 69 n. 35)