Monday, November 7, 2022

Baptismal Regeneration in "Ad Ephesios" by Gaius Marius Victorinus (290-364)

The following are excerpts from Victorinus' commentary on Ephesians. The Latin comes from:


Marii Victorini Opera, Pars II: Opera Exegetica (Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum Editum Consilio Et Impensis Academiae Scientiarum Austricae LXXXIII, Pars 2; Vindobonae: Hoelder-Pichler-Tempsky, 1986)


The translation of the Latin will be in blue.


Ad Ephesios 1.17:


id est in his qui sanctificat! sunt mysterio Christi nomine per baptismum. Hoc ergo peto ut mlummemini et sciatis hoc magnum beneficium, ut inploret et roget ut nobis adventet spiritus qui nos haec doceat. (p. 22)


it is in these that he sanctifies! they are in the mystery of the name of Christ through baptism. Therefore I ask that you may remember and know this great benefit, that we may cry and ask that a spirit may come to us that will teach us these things.


Ad Ephesios 5.8:


Eratis enim aliquando tenebrae, nunc autem lux in domino. Ergo ut omni genere se separent a filiis diffidentiae, dicit vel quid fuerint antea cum gentiliter viverent. Tenebrae, inquit, eratis. Qui sutem sequitur Christum lux est. Lucem enim accipt quicumque in Christo baptizatus fuerit. (p. 78)


For once you were darkness, but now light is in the Lord. Therefore, that they should separate themselves in every kind from the sons of unbelief, he says, or what they were before when they lived as gentiles. You were in darkness, he said. He who follows Christ is light. For whoever is baptized in Christ receives the light.


Ad Ephesios  5.27:


Perseverat tamen quid praestiterit Christus ostendere, quod semet ipsum tradidit ut mundaret in lavacro aquae et in verbo ecclesiam. Utique accipiamus ecclesiam omnem fidelem et omnem qui baptisma accepit; in fide adsumitur, scilicet et lavacro aquae et invocatione verbi. (pp. 82-83)


He had continued, however, to show what Christ had accomplished, that he gave himself up to cleanse the church in the washing of water and in the word. Of course, let us accept every faithful church and everyone who has received baptism; it is taken in faith, that is, both by the washing of water and by the invocation of the word.