Saturday, November 5, 2022

Cyprian of Carthage, Epistle 16: God giving visions to young men as warnings and for instruction


. . . even if the martyrs amid the fervour of their glory were to pay scant regard to the Scripture and to go too far in their wishes contrary to the law of the Lord, nevertheless it would still be the duty of the presbyters and deacons to present them with guiding counsel, just as always happened in the past.


And that is why God in His strictness does not cease to rebuke us, by day and night. For in addition to visions of the night, during the day also innocent young boys, who are here with us, are being filled with the Holy Spirit, and in ecstasy they see with their eyes and they hear and they speak the words of warning and instruction which the Lord in His goodness gives to us. And you shall hear all of these things when the Lord who bade me withdraw has brought me back to you. (Epistle 16.3.2-4.1in The Letters of St. Cyprian, Volume 1 [trans. G. W. Clarke; Ancient Christian Writers 43; New York: Newman Press, 1984], 95)