Sunday, November 6, 2022

John F. Tolton on the Fulfillment of a Prophecy by Heber C. Kimball Concerning the Dedication of the Salt Lake Temple


It is claimed that Heber C. Kimball once predicted that when the Salt Lake Temple should be dedicated the power of Satan should be loosed and the strongest wind storm ever witnessed in Utah should be felt on that occasion. In persuance and fulfillment of this prediction, a strong breeze began blowing upon our entering the grounds at 9 a.m. and increased to a hurricane of great violence at the precise time the dedicatory prayer was being offered by Pres. Wilford Woodruff. The prayer lasted about 45 minutes and the heavens were overcast with dark clouds. Clouds of dust filled the air and the wind blew a hurricane. Sea gulls were seen encircling the temple, but within a spirit of peace and joy filled the hearts of the Saints.


As a result of the storm many trees a foot in diameter were uprooted, houses blown down, and general destruction of property witnessed.


Source: John F. Tolton, journal, April 6, 1893, John F. Tolton journal and reminiscences, 1887-1894, MS 4922, Church History Library