Thursday, December 29, 2022

Arch S. Reynolds on the Scope of the Promise in D&C 110:12


The Reorganites misinterpret the anointing of Joseph the Prophet in Kirtland of Elias, “Elias appeared and committed the dispensation of the gospel of Abraham, saying that in us and our seed, all generations after us should be blessed.” (Doctrine and Covenants 110:12) They misinterpret this “in us” to be restricted to Joseph and Oliver only, while the Section is given through Joseph and Oliver, it is speaking about blessings to be poured out on “the servants” 9verse 8), “your brethren” (verse 5) “head of my people” (verse 10), “plants of renown,” (124:61). These blessings of Abraham are given, not necessarily to his immediate posterity, but rather to the adopted sons of Abraham by becoming sons of Christ by baptism and thereby becoming Abraham’s children or sons. (See Doctrine and Covenants 84:32-39) (Arch S. Reynolds, The Josephites By a Utah Mormon [Springville, Utah: Self-published, 1951], 24-25)


 Further Reading:

"Elias" as a "Forerunner" in LDS Scripture