Tuesday, December 27, 2022

L. John Nuttall's Journal Entries About Visiting non-LDS Church Services


Sun. Dec. 25, 1887


A slight fall of snow this morning. Christmas Day Bro. Caine & myself attended the Catholic services at St. Dominics Church, and afterwards walked to the Washington Monument. This is a very fine structure. This evening we held a meeting at Bro. Youngs at which Bros. Young, Penrose, Caine & Richard spoke.

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Sun. Aug. 10, 1890


We attended St. James Protestant Episcopal Church on 8th N.E. High Church–very much like the Catholic in the forms of worship &c–attended the Methodist Episcoapl Church South on Mt. Vernon Square in the evening–Recd letters from Mary & Geo. A. Bro Caine recd a telegram that his son James was in a critical condition from the effects of a blow on the head by a street highwayman at Salt Lake City. He telegraph(ed) to the Presidency about his going home to see his son.

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Sun. Jan. 7, 1894


Went to the Cathedral this morning and stayed through the services. The sermon was in Spanish. This Cathedral is 360 years old. There is a Sarcophagus on the right to the Altar on which a form of the Savior is laid as he was taken from the cross. After the services we viewed the building. Met with Mr. Najera at 1:30 and he explained as to the records of the Diaz land. We must have Bro. Johnson here. We wrote to him to come. We attended a Spanish Bull fight at 4 p.m. There was 6 Bulls, 2 of which were killed. The others would not fight good. 5 men on foot and 2 on horse back were in the ring. Also a female rider and he was excellent. I got one of the spears. We went to El Paso for supper. And mailed our letter to Bro. Johnson. We are to see Mr. Najera tomorrow morning. The day. We rode with the Matador and lady rider on the car and talked with them.

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Sun. Jan. 7, 1900


Had a sponge bath at 10 a.m. Went to the Church of the Lady Guadeloupe Catholic to mass, and at 11;45 afterwards to the Presbyterian Church. Heard Mr. Moore the Pastor, a noted speaker. Young man. He was very good. After dinner I walked out to the National Cemetery and back to the Plaza 3 where the Military Band played for 1/2 an hour. Wind cool but a pleasant day. At 4:15 to the Cathedral Service. “Vespers Rosary and Benediction” out at 4:45. In the sermon at the Catholic Church this evening the Priest addressed most of this remarks on the women. Said “When you give to your Priest you must imagine you are giving to God himself” “The Holy Gospel of the Epaphany.” In the evening I went to the Methodist church and heard a sermon on “You must be born again.” Very poor. The singing good. He read 1st epistle of Peter, 1st chapter. Text John 1-3,7. Went to bed at 9:30. (L. John Nuttall: Diary Excerpts, comp., Ogden Kraut [Salt Lake City: Pioneer Press, 1994], 152, 210, 266, 274)