Monday, January 30, 2023

J. N. Washburn on "Up and Down" in the Book of Mormon and the Internal Consistency of the Text


Up and Down


Nothing in the Book of Mormon is more significant, nor more convincing, in the matter of its consistency (hence, authenticity) than the aspect of up and down. There were numerous occasions, some of which we have already reported, on which people went from the city of Nephi to the city of Zarahemla or from the city of Zarahemla to the city of Nephi. In every instance anyone going from Nephi to Zarahemla went down. Conversely, everybody who went from Zarahemla to Nephi went up. There is no exception, not one slip-up (Omni 12-13; Mosiah 28:1, 7; Alma 17:8; 28:5; 30:15; 51:11-13; Helaman 4:5; 6:4). There are a few references which represent someone as going over (the narrow strip of wilderness), but nowhere is the fundamental relationship violated. (J. N. Washburn, Book of Mormon Guidebook [N.P.: J. N. Washburn, 1968], 57)