Monday, January 2, 2023

Jacob Gates Recording Speaking in Tongues and Demon Possession/Exorcism in March 1836


THU, 17 MAR 1836—We left Brother Dade’s and went to Brother John Lansaw’s, where we took dinner. We went to Brother Sims’s, and from there we went to Brother Hanks’s, where we held a meeting. We had a powerful scene: the Holy Ghost fell upon the congregation, so that they spake with tongues and prophesied. . . . (Jacob Gates, Journal, March 17, 1386, in The Journals of Jacob Gates, ed. KC Kern, 26)



We dismissed meeting and started towards the home of one of the brethren. We had not gone far before we heard a great cry from a young woman who howled and wept. We were called back to the house, where we found her. She was in great distress because the spirit of God was striving with her, but notwithstanding this, she suffered the spirits of the devil to take possession of her heart. In consequence of this, her whole frame did shake. We prayed for her and the spirit of the devil was rebuked, and she became calm. We left her, and returned home. (Jacob Gates, Journal, March 18, 1836, in The Journals of Jacob Gates, ed. KC Kern, 27)