Thursday, February 16, 2023

Heber C. Kimball Teaching Christification and Robust Deification in "Address to my children"


My soul is swallowed up in God. As to the things of this world, they are lost to me. i do not feel concerning them as I have heretofore; I care only for the things of eternity. When I behold the great things of God and the glory which awaits the righteous, and when I reflect that the road is so straight that but few find it, I feel to pray the Lord to bless my children and save them. I am thankful to God because I live in a day when some will find it, and will become gods.


A man may become god as Jesus Christ did. For this he must prepare himself while in the flesh, that he may be enthroned as a judge is enthroned. I have a desire that my children may be crowned, and if I be enthroned I want to have the privilege of wafting myself, by the power of God, to visit my children. Everything we see here is typical of what we will be hereafter. (Heber C. Kimball, "Address to my children," The Improvement Era 13, no. 11 [September 1910]: 989)