Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Hugh Nibley, Joseph Fielding Smith, and LeGrand Richards on Jesus' Martial Status and if He was a Polygamist

The following is taken from:


Morris L. Reynolds, An Investigator’s Dilemma (Burley, Idaho: Morris L. Reynolds, n.d.), [6-7]


My fifth question was addressed to Hugh Nibley, Joseph Fielding Smith, and Le Grand Richards. I asked them, “Was Jesus a polygamist?” I received the following answers:


Hugh Nibley:

“5. Before deciding whether Jesus was a polygamist we would have to know whether he was married. If he was that information has been withheld. Some of the recently discovered early Christian writings from Egypt imply very clearly that he was married, but of course, they don’t prove it, since their authority has yet to be determined. I know of no official teaching of the church to the effect that Jesus was a polygamist. There are all sorts of things we do not know about Jesus, and this is one of them.”


Joseph Fielding Smith:

“Your fourth question: ‘Was Jesus a polygamist?’ There is no reference whatever to Jesus being married in the New Testament.”


Le Grand Richards:

“Your fifth question: ‘Was Jesus a polygamist?’ We believe in four standard Church works---the Bible, The Book of Mormon, The Doctrine and Covenants, and The Pearl of Great Price, and we have no revelations from the Lord to indicate that Jesus was either married or a polygamist.” “ . . . but as far as the church is concerned it does not teach that Jesus was married, or that he was a polygamist.”