Monday, March 13, 2023

J. B. Turner (1842): Joseph used the "Urim and Thummim, or stone spectacles" to translate the plates


According to one account given by Mr. Harris, Joseph suspended a thick blanket across the room, on one side of which he sat and looked through his Urim and Thummim, or stone spectacles, and the Lord caused the Lord caused the correct translation of the mystic record to pass before his eyes, word for word, which he (Joseph) uttered aloud, a word at a time, while Harris sat on the other side of the blanket, and wrote down all as he heard it from Smith. (J. B. Turner, Mormonism in All Ages: or the Rise, Progress and Causes of Mormonism; With the Biography of its Author and Founder, Joseph Smith, Junior [New York: Platt & Peters, 1842], 18)