Sunday, March 19, 2023

Michael Harold Paulos on Joseph F. Smith's Claim to Receive Revelation During the 1904 Reed Smoot Hearings


Smith later clarified that “while he had never received from God a revelation on some new doctrine or commandment, to be written and preserved and handed down as law to the Church, he had been guided, from the day of his baptism to the present, by divine influence, and had been aided time and time again by the spirit of God in his work in the ministry, and strongly expressed the wish that, if in his day, some new revelation should be needed by the Church, he might be worthy to receive it.” Salt Lake High Council Minutes, March 19, 1905, excerpt in my possession. (Michael Harold Paulos, “Under the Gun at the Smoot Hearings: Joseph F. Smith’s Testimony,” Journal of Mormon History 34, no. 4 [Fall 2008]: 197 n. 37)