Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Gracia N. Jones on Joseph Smith's Polygamy

From Gracia N. Jones, the great-great-granddaughter of Joseph and Emma Smith:

While the issue of polygamy has been greatly overblown, we in the family must become reconciled to the indisputable fact that Joseph was instrumental in restoring a doctrine that embraced an eternal covenant of marriage and restored the Abrahamic law under which patriarchs in the Old Testament married several wives. The fact that they did so, under the direction of the Lord, and that God blessed them and their posterity, is scriptural. The fact that the celestial covenant and the telestial reality were not a happy lend is well documented anciently, as well as in nineteenth-century Mormonism. Condemnation of immortal conduct is, and always has been, an ideal of the LDS Church. Those who equate plural marriage with adultery may never be reconciled to the Prophet’s teachings. The fact is, God did not condemn the ancient prophets for having more than one wife, except in cases where they took them on their own, without the blessing of the living prophet. On the other hand, the scriptures are filled with admonitions to be morally pure. Generally speaking, the Lord has advocated one wife for one man, but has, in very rare instances in the scriptures, given directions through His living prophet, to do otherwise. See Book of Mormon, Jacob [2:30]. The purpose given therein, is to “raise up seed unto me” (i.e., God). The restoration of all things in this, the last dispensation, was Joseph’s assigned responsibility. That he did so is documented beyond doubt. That he restored this practice in the Victorian Era, explains, to some degree, why he was killed. Society would not accept any new dispensation of God’s word, or doctrine. The doctrine was practiced because it was commanded; when the need was fulfilled, social pressure was allowed to bring the earthly practice to an end. In 1890, Wilford Woodruff, as prophet and President of the Church, was directed by the Lord to issue the Manifesto. (See Doctrine & Covenants Official Declaration, pp. 291-92). (Gracia N. Jones, Emma and Joseph: Their Divine Mission [American Fork, Utah: Covenant Communications, Inc., 1999], 273 n. 58)