Wednesday, April 12, 2023

χαριτοω in the perfect passive participle form in John Chrysostom, Fragments in Proverbs, chapter 25

Emanuel Conţac, in Dilemele fidelităţii: condiţionări culturale şi teologice în traducerea Bibliei (Cluh-Napoca, Romania: Logos, 2011), 203, noted that:


Ioan Hristostomul (Fragmenta in Proverbia) pare să folosească şi el termenul în acelaşi sens, menţionat mai sus: „Harul şi prietenia eliberează. Omul plăcut (ο κεχαριτωμενος ανθρωπος) este mult iubit, [ e] acela care-şi poate elibera propria gândire


English: John Chrysostom (Fragments in Proverbs) seems to use the term in the same sense, mentioned above: "Grace and friendship liberate. The pleasant man (ο κεχαριτωμενος ανθρωπος) is much loved, he who can free his own thinking


Here is the relevant portion of Fragments in Proverbs, chapter 25, as found in Migne, PG 64:733B: