Wednesday, April 12, 2023

χαριτοω in the perfect participle form in Symmachus's version of Psalm 17:27 (English 18:26)

In Symmachus's version of Psa 17:27 (English: 18:26), we have an instance of χαριτοω in the perfect passive participle form (cf. Sirach 18:17; Luke 1:28):


µετὰ όσίου όσιωθήσῃ καὶ µετὰ τοῦ κεχαριτωµένου χαριτωθήσῃ "be faithful to the faithful and gracious to the gracious"


Emanuel Conţac, in his book, Dilemele fidelităţii: condiţionări culturale şi teologice în traducerea Bibliei (Cluh-Napoca, Romania: Logos, 2011), 203, proposes the translation:



Cu omul pios Te vei purta cu pietate şi cu omul amabil te vei purta cu amabilitate (English: "With the pious man, You will act piously and with the kind man, You will act kindly")


Here is the image of the relevant portion of Origenis Hexaplorum quae supersunt: Iov-Maleahi, ed. F. Field, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1875), 2:111: