Sunday, April 30, 2023

Some Recent Presentations on Sola Scriptura

 A few weeks ago, I appeared on a friend's youtube channel to critique Sola Scriptura:

A Latter-day Saint Critique of Sola Scriptura

I think I did a good job, including refuting some of the essential "building blocks" for the doctrine (e.g., the fact the Bible does not teach a cessation of public revelation at the death of the last apostle, etc).

The only "responses" are from two idiots (one of whom lets me live in their head rent-free) who would never engage in public debate on these issues, including the ludicrous claim that 1 Chron 25 refutes any appeal to 2 Chron 29 and 35 against Sola Scriptura during the Old Testament era.

I was also interviewed on the To Whom Shall We Go? Podcast. We also addressed Sola Scriptura:

Sola Scriptura An Interview w/Robert Boylan

For more, see:

Not By Scripture Alone: A Latter-day Saint Refutation of Sola Scriptura