Friday, May 19, 2023

BDAG on ἐφίστημι (to stand over/come over) in Acts 23:11

In Acts 23:11, we learn that Jesus, after the ascension "stood" (ἐφίστημι) at Paul's side (Acts 23:11). This refutes some critics who appeal to Acts 3:19-21 as a “proof-text” against the belief that Jesus would appear in the New World, as recorded in the Book of Mormon (see Responding to "Mormons teach Jesus came many times").



This is how BDAG defines the term (notice how it references Acts 23:11 for this “realistic” meaning):


1. to stand at or near a specific place, stand at/near, of living entities and oft. w. connotation of suddenness, pres. and aor. w. dat. of pers. Lk 2:9; 24:4 (of angels, as Diod. S. 1, 25, 5 of Isis in a dream; Lucian, Dial. Deor. 17, 1 of Hephaestus; SIG 1168, 37 θεὸς ἐπιστάς; TestSol 1:8 ἐν ἂν ὥρᾳ ἐπιστῇ σοι τὸ δαιμόνιον; Jos., Ant. 3, 188. Of a figure in a dream Hdt. 5, 56); Ac 4:1; 12:7 D; 23:11. ἐπεστάθη μοι she approached me Hv 3, 1, 6. ἐπί τι approach or stand by someth. (Sir 41:24) Ac 10:17; 11:11. ἐπάνω τινός stand at someone’s head Lk 4:39 (cp. 2 Km 1:9). περιστερὰ ἐπεστάθη ἐπὶ τὴν κεφαλὴν τοῦ Ἰωσήφ a dove … perched on the head of Joseph GJs 9:1 e;vπετάσθη v.l.). Abs. (EpArist 177) Lk 2:38; 10:40; 20:1; Ac 6:12; 12:7; 22:13; 23:27; 1 Cl 12:4; MPol 6:1; GJs 4:1 v.l.; AcPl Ha 4, 8.—Perf. stand by, be present αὐτὸς ἤμην ἐφεστώς I (myself) was standing by Ac 22:20 (cp. Jos., Vi. 294).


I mention this as some commentaries believe that this is a “dream vision.”


Notwithstanding his belief it was a “dream vision,” Carl R. Holladay did provide a good discussion of the Old Testament background to this event:


Formally the Lord’s reassurance of Paul in a night vision resembles Daniel’s vision, in which a heavenly figure, “one in human form,” calms his fears, saying “Be strong and courageous!” The Lord’s charge to “take courage” (tharsei) also echoes Hag 2:4, in which YHWH issues the same challenge to Zerubbabel, Joshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and all of the people of the land, reassuring them, “for I am with you, says the Lord of hosts.” Paul’s testimony in Jerusalem refers to his address in the temple (22:3–21), yet probably includes his earlier testimony (9:28). His plans to “see Rome,” earlier formulated on his own (19:21), are now confirmed by the risen Lord himself. (Carl R. Holladay, Acts: A Commentary [The New Testament Library; Louisville, Ky.: Westminster John Knox Press, 2016], 436)