Monday, June 19, 2023

Excerpts from The Journals of James Henry Martineau 1828-1918

The following excerpts come from:


An Uncommon Common Pioneer: The Journals of James Henry Martineau 1828-1918, ed. Donald G. Godfrey and Rebecca S. Martineau-McCarty (Provo, Utah: BYU Religious Studies Center, 2008)


July 8, 1857:


Br. E. H. Groves gave S[usan] J. the following blessing, which was reported by me, as scribe:--It was given Jan. 30, 1857 at Parowan, but accidentally omitted:--


Sister Susan, in the name of Jesus of Nazareth and by virtue of the holy priesthood in me invested I place my hands upon thy head and seal upon thee a patriarchal or father’s blessing, which shall rest upon thee and thou shalt realize the fulfillment thereof. Thou art in the days of thy youth, having been born and raised a natural member in the Church and kingdom of God, and inasmuch as thou wilt be faithful in keeping all the commandments of the Lord thy God, hearkening to the counsels of thy husbands, thou shalt be a blessing and a help meet in very deed to him, a blessing unto thy sister with whom thou art associated by virtue of the law of the holy priesthood. Thy life shall be precious in the sight of thy Heavenly Father, thy days shall be many upon the earth. Thy guardian angel shall be with thee, and in his hands thou wilt be borne up and delivered from the temptation of the Evil One. Thou art a daughter of Abraham, of the loins of Joseph and blood of Ephraim through the descent of thy fathers, a legal heir to all the blessings, privileges and powers which pertain to the holy priesthood according to thy sex, which thou shalt receive in due time, that thou mayest be able to stand in connexion with thy husband in the redemption of thy progenitors, many of whom shall be made known to thee by the visits of heavenly messengers who shall come unto thy habitation revealing the genealogy of thy fathers. (pp. 68-69)


October 17, 1859:


My son Moroni’s blessing:--


Brother Moroni Helaman, we lay our hands upon your head in the name of Jesus, and we seal the blessings of thy father upon your head. Hearken to his counsel, and of the counsel of thy mother and thou wilt live long upon the earth to do good—to build up Christ’s kingdom: and thou wilt become like Moroni of old, a prophet, seer, and revelator. Like him thou wilt defend the cause of Zion. Many will be edified and instructed by thy counsel. The blessings of Abraham, Isaaz and Jacob will attend thee in thy posterity. Thou wilt enjoy these blessings in flocks and herds. Thou will be numbered with the Sons of Zion in avenging the blood of the prophets. Thou wilt stand upon Mount Zion with the 144,000 having their robes washed and made white in the blood of the Lamb. Thou wilt be honored in redeeming the house of Jacob, for thou art of Joseph. Thou art entitled to all these blessings by birthright. (p. 104)


August 6, 1865:


Nephi’s Blessing:--


Nephi, beloved of the Father, I place my hands on thy head and seal upon thee a Patriarchal blessing, which shall be sealed in heaven: for thou shalt become a great and a mighty man, even like Nephi of old. No weapon formed against thee shall prosper. Thou shalt have power to raise the dead, and to do any miracle to forward this kingdom; and thou shalt proclaim this Gospel to many nations, kindreds, tongues and peoples, and thou shalt come upon Mt. Zion with the hundred and forty-four thousand in their robes of righteousness, and converse with many of the Holy Prophets face to face. You shall sit in Council with Joseph and Hyrum, and with your Redeemer. And thou art of Joseph and a lawful heir to the fulness of the priesthood, and with wives and great kingdom on the earth. Shall help to rear a temple in Jackson county, and you shall help to pave the streets around the temple in Jackson county with gold, and you shall hear the prophet Joseph talking unto you about the New Jerusalem. (p. 138)


August 6, 1865:


George Albert’s blessing:--


George Albert, in the name of Jesus I place my hands upon thy head and seal upon thee a father’s blessing, for thou shalt become a great and mighty man in Zion, have power to do any miracle that was ever done on the earth to forward this kingdom; a lawful heir to the Patriarchal family, and shalt be a Patriarch on Mt. Zion. Thou art of Jacob, and a lawful heir to the fulness of the priesthood, even to the patriarchal family of Abraham, and a lawful heir to the fulness of priesthood with wives and a great kingdom on the earth, and a Savior on Mount Zion, and to set in council with the Ancient of Days, with all the holy patriarchs since the world began, with the blessings of eternal lives through God and the Lamb for ever and ever. Amen. (p. 138)


August 6, 1865:


Charles’ Blessing:--


Charles, in the name of Jesus I place my hands upon thy head and seal upon thee a patriarchal blessing, for the Father is well pleased with you, and thou shalt have great wisdom and knowledge with the Father on the Earth. Thou shalt be like Nephi of old, and the hidden treasures of the earth shall be unfolded to your mind, for no good thing shall be withheld from thee. Thou art of Joseph and a lawful heir to the fulness of the priesthood, and with wives and a kingdom on the Earth forever, and your table shall be spread with the bounties of the earth. For I ordain you an Elder, in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints that you may comprehend many things of the Father, and sit in council with the Ancient of Dyas, and receive the fulness of the priesthood by the hand of the Savior, and be crowned with eternal lives. Amen. (p. 139)


June 2, 1881:


A Patriarchal Blessing by J. H. Johnson on the head of Susan E. Martineau, J daughter of Joel H. Johnson, born in Kirtland, Ohio, July 11. 1836. Given June 2. 1881.


Susan Johnson my daughter, I lay my hands upon thy head to give thee a father’s or patriarchal blessing, and in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I bless thee with all the blessings of thy fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Thou art an Ephraimite in whom there is no guile, therefore thou art entitled to all the blessings of the daughters of Ephraim, and inasmuch as thou hast been and art shall be faithful thou shalt live long upon the earth, and to share in the priesthood with thy companion, power to drive in the Destroyer and from thy household. (p. 259)


June 2, 1881:


Thou [Jesse] shalt be clothed with wisdom and knowledge and understanding, for the Holy Ghost shall visit thee at times and cause thee to understand the things of God, and clothe thee with wisdom to thy great astonishment. Thou shalt have power to bring thousands into the Kingdom of God, and many of the great men of the earth shall come to thee for wisdom counsel and for wisdom in the calamities that shall fall upon the earth. Thou shalt have power to escape the power of the Destroyer, and to cast Satan’s yoke upon his own neck, and be free from the power of sin and death; and heavenly messengers shall visit thee and instruct thee in all thy duties of life and shall touch thee even as Jesus Christ touched the three Nephites, that thou mayest live long upon the earth and not taste death. No enemy shall cross t path and prosper while thou art faithful to promulgate the principles of righteousness, and build up the children of Zion. Thy wisdom shall be great and known among all men. The power of the Holy Ghost shall overshadow thee, and thou shalt become a mighty man of God, and I seal thee up unto eternal lives, for thy offspring shall become great and mighty upon the earth, and thou shalt come forth in the morning of the first resurrection, clothed with glory, immortality and eternal lives. All these blessings I seal upon thy head, inasmuch as thou art faithful to fulfill thy covenant upon the earth, and hearken to the Words of Wisdom and eternal life, in the name of Jesus, Even So. Amen. (pp. 259-60)


July 28, 1884:




Sister Martineau, We lay our hands upon your head and seal the anointing which has now been administered to you and confirm it upon you, together with all your former confirmations and blessings, and say they shall be sure unto you. The Lord loveth thee, and will bless thee all you desire in righteousness, for no good thing or blessing shall be withheld from thee. Thou shalt have great faith, and great power to heal the sick. You shall be sent for far and near, and many shall bless thee and rejoice because of thee, for you shall cause the dropping head to rise, and comfort those who mourn, and shall be filled with wisdom, that your counsels shall be full of life and salvation to those to whom you shall speak. You shall have visions and dreams, and be a prophetess and seeress, and shalt be taught great and mighty principles by heavenly messengers, and shall see and converse with the Savior face to face. Sickness and disease and death shall flee from before you, and you shall truly be a mother in Israel, and a comfort and help to your husband, and a blessing to your family. (p. 299)


January 30, 1890:


Patriarchal Blessing by B. JF. Johnson, upon Susan E. J. Martineau, given in Tempe, Arizona, Jan 30, 1890.


Sister Susan, in the name of the Lord Jesus and by virtue of the patriarchal priesthood, I place my hands upon thy head in blessings, that the Lord may speak through me to the joy and comfort of thy heart, or to admonish and strengthen thee I the path that leadeth back into His presence. Thou art one of the Beloved of the Lord; thou was valiant for the truth, and before the earth was thou didst shout hosanna that it would be thy privilege to come forth in this dispensation to assist in bringing forth and establishing Zion preparatory to a reign of peace upon the earth. To this end the Father blessed thee and sent thee as with a crown of glory upon thy head, that through thee mighty men and women should live upon the earth to be prophets, seers and mighty men, to lead forth in establishing righteousness and truth, to the rebuke of iniquity and sin, whose arm shall be strong against oppression, and in avenging innocent blood. (p. 364)


March 25, 1890:


Patriarchal Blessing upon S. Elvira M. Johnson by B. H. Johnson, Tempe A . T. Jan. 30. 1890. Born 14 Aug. 1856


Elvira, my daughter, in the name of Jesus, by virtue of the patriarchal priesthood, I place my hands upon thy head in blessing, praying that the Lord may give me through the inspiration of His Spirit, words of counsel, admonition and blessing, to be keys of knowledge and principles of faith to govern thee all thy life. Thou art one of those born in Zion in the new Covenant, entitled to all the blessings, dominion, increase and exaltation, pertaining to the daughters of Abraham. Because of thy love for the truth and the integrity of thy heart, Thou art one of the most loved of the Lord Father. He sent thee to the earth with a crown of joy upon thy head that thou mightiest become a medium of Salvation and restoration upon the earth. To this end He gave His angels charge concerning thee, to hedge thee round about from evil, and to open the pathway of they feet, to protect thy life to the fulfillment of the mission for which thou hats come to the earth: for which purpose He hath given thee a companion, and shalt multiply unto thee children until they shall be around thee as thick clusters of grapes upon a fruitful vine, whom thou shalt lead I the way of the Lord to honor Hom, and they shall honor and bless thee all thy days, and carry thy name in honor throughout all generations of time.


Thou dost delight in the way of the Lord, and because of thy love for the truth, the Lord shall make thee great. For thou shalt stand as a counsellor among the honored of thy sex, and by thy example thou shalt teach them to honor the law of Sarah. Thy husband shall love and honor thee, and thy house shall be a house of joy and peace, and all who dwell therein shall rise up to bless thee. The blessings of the earth shall be multiplied unto thee, even in the fruits of flocks and herds, orchards and gardens, and thou shalt dwell in costly habitations; and when the meek shall flee to Zion, through the abundance that shall be around thee, thou shalt feed, clothe and comfort the poor and the needy, and give habitations to the homeless; and the blessings of the poor shall ever rest upon thee; and with thy husband thou shalt do thy full part in all the works of righteousness pertaining to the building up of Zion, gathering her children, rearing her holy temples, and laboring therein, both for the living and the dead; for thou shalt see the holy temple reared in Zion, shall strike hands with the Son of Man when He shall descend to the earth, and shall minister therein when His glory shall fill its courts. Thy days shall be many upon the earth, and thy power for usefulness shall be great. For the spirit of blessing and consolation shall rest upon thee and faith shall spring up in thy heart, to rebuke affliction, to command the Destroyer that no power shall invade thy habitations to destroy thy peace or take away thy loved ones. The angels shall camp around thee, if thou wilt be admonished to call upon the name of the Lord thy God and to forget not to call upon His name.


--For thou art among the most savored of the daughters of Abraham, and entitled to every privilege that belongs to the wives, the mothers and the matrons of in Zion, to stand in thy place as a counselor to admonish, to teach, and to cultivate the younger of thy sex; and all who hear thy voice shall cleave unto thee and love thee; and all thy kindred shall rejoice in thee because of the wisdom and spirit of consolation and blessing which shall drop as pearls from thy lips. Associated with thy husband thou shalt stand in thy place and officiate for thy sex in the great day of Israel’s crowning under the hands of the children of Ephraim. And thy inheritance shall be forever in Zion, which, with thy companion, thou salt receive when the Ancient of Days does sit. All these blessings I seal upon thy head, together with all thy former blessings, and I seal thee up unto eternal lives, to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection, to inherit thrones and dominions, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. (pp. 366-67)


January 12, 1898:


To day received the following in answer to the letter I sent to Prest Lorenzo Snow in November, and which he had submitted for consideration to the First Presidency and the Twelve:


“Salt Lake City, Utah 24th Dec. 1897


Elder James H. Martineau


Dear Brother. In replying to the questions submitted by you in your letter of Nov. 28th 1897, it is not necessary to repeat them here, as you will find them covered by a decision made on Thursday, December 16th 1897, by the Council of the First Presidency and the Twelve Apostles, which was as follows:


(1st) That the sealing of a couple outside of a temple, as husband and wife for time and eternity by one holding the requisite authority (The President of the Church, or any one deputed by him) is as valid as when performed in the House of the Lord, even when neither or both of the parties have not been previously endowed.


(2nd) That children after such sealing are legal heirs, even if begotten before the sealing occurred, and it is therefore unnecessary to seal them to their parents.


(3d) No measures are at present afoot looking to the erection of a temple in Mexico.


Your Brother in the Gospel


Lorenzo Snow.”


This decision of the General Church Authorities sets at rest a question which has for many years been undecided in the church. For example, Susan and I were sealed for time and eternity as husband and wife in Parowan, Utah, in May 1852, by Apostle Geo. A. Smith and sealed again by Prest B. Young in S. L. City in S. Cl City Endowment House, in 1860, in order to be sealed “over the alter.” And Susan Sherman was sealed to me, first, in the President’s office, S. C. City, in 1857 and again in the Endowment House by Prest Young in 1860. So this question has now been settled authoritatively. (p. 466)


July 4, 1905:


To day I was preserved from death by the direct aid of my Guardian Angel. I had to ascend a high mountain, very steep—too steep for me to climb on foot, so I started to ride up. I came to a wide belt of flat rocks, sloping downwards, and as I could see no way round it, attempted to ride up over it, but after a little my horse began slipping, too scared and lost his wits and fell with me repeatedly, I sticking to him as he fell and rose again, doing my best to control him. Each time he fell, we tumbled farther down the rocks, the horse plunging frantically. After his last fall I found myself lying full length upon the rocks, at the horse’s back, and above him. How I was laid there so carefully without his falling upon my leg, or my brains not being dashed out, or any bones broken, and how my feet were loosed from the stirrups I cannot even guess, only that my Guardian Angel did it all, during all the plunging, falling, getting up, and falling again down the rocks. Had my feet hung in the stirrups nothing could have saved me, and had I fallen under my horse, as was seemingly unavoidable, I might have lain there, crushed, till death.


I was somewhat to blame. For years, when about to ride over or along a dangerous place, as many times I have had to do, I always blessed my horse, that he might not stumble, fall, or cause me any hurt, but this day, I never once thought of doing it, and paid penalty.


In my tumbles I got some bruises, and a severe wrench over my middle caused not by falling but by struggles of the horse. (p. 548)