Friday, July 21, 2023

John A. Widtsoe and Franklin S. Harris, Jr., being non--dogmatic about the Book of Mormon being the fulfillment of Revelation 14:6 and Psalm 85:11


5. Harmony With Bible Predictions. It should not be surprising to Bible students that other volumes of scripture may be revealed, for the lost books of scripture mentioned in the Bible have been discussed often by Bible scholars. Nor can it really be surprising that revelations such as are contained in the Bible should be given to other peoples than those of Israel. In fact, predictions and quotations in the Bible seem to imply clearly that other books may be expected. Note the following examples:


"And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people." (Revelations 14:6.) This may well have been fulfilled when the Angel Moroni revealed the Book of Mormon, followed by the organization of the Church, with the restoration of the authority and ordinances of the pure Gospel.


"Truth shall spring out of the earth; and righteousness shall look down from heaven." (Psalms 85:11.) This seems to point to an event like the taking of the Book of Mormon out of the hill Cumorah. (John A. Widtsoe and Franklin S. Harris, Jr., Seven Claims of the Book of Mormon: A Collection of Evidences [Independence, Miss.: Press of Zion's Printing and Publishing Company, 1937], 16, emphasis added)


Further Reading:

Defending the Latter-day Saint Interpretation of Revelation 14:6-7

Psalm 85:11: A Prophecy of the Book of Mormon?